Whoops… I dropped my SYSTEM thread HANDLE

I recently came across an interesting finding from PrivescCheck, the tool reported an exploitable leaked thread handle. This is when a privileged process leaks a handle (in this case a thread handle) into an unprivileged process, effectively allowing the unprivileged user to gain access to the privileged handle. These must be manually investigated and while mine was unfortunately a false positive, I still wanted to understand how one would exploit this vulnerability.

Recreating the Vulnerability

You might be wondering how this happens? Well if you look at the CreateProcessA documentation, you will see:

bInheritHandles - If this parameter is TRUE, each inheritable handle in the calling process is inherited by the new process.

So if a SYSTEM service created a process inside the user's desktop with CreateProcessAsUserA, and set bInheritHandles to TRUE, all inheritable handles within the SYSTEM process are now also available inside the user process.

I recreated this exact setup with https://github.com/Acebond/LeakyService. This service will pop-up a cmd.exe inside the user's desktop with a leaked SYSTEM thread handle.

Exploitation the Wrong Way

The exploiting-leaked-process-and-thread-handles blog says that this can be exploited with NtImpersonateThread. The idea is that the low privileged user can impersonate the thread token, to gain code execution with a SYSTEM thread token.

suspicious dog

While the blog mentioned above is excellent, I don't believe it and everyone who says this can PoC || GTFO. An example of what they think can be done is here: https://github.com/Acebond/NtImpersonateThreadMethod. This method fails, and NtImpersonateThread only creates a thread running with an impersonation level of SecurityIdentification. To work successfully, the attack requires SeImpersonatePrivilege privilege, which no low privileged user should ever had, otherwise they would hardly be low privileged. If the low privileged user did have SeImpersonatePrivilege, this would work, and the newly created thread would be running with a SYSTEM token with an impersonation level of SecurityImpersonation.

Exploitation the Right Way

I couldn't find any other way to exploit this other than doing ROP with SetThreadContext, GetThreadContext, SuspendThread, and ResumeThread.

The Internet seems to call this “ghost writing” since no process level manipulation such as ReadProcessMemory, WriteProcessMemory, and CreateRemoteThread are performed, because, well, we can't - we only have access to the thread, not the process.

I based my PoC heavily on https://github.com/fern89/ghostwriting-2. This was about the best PoC for ghost writing I could find, except it was only for 32bit.

The ROP requires 3 gadgets:

  1. A ret gadget. This pops an address off the stack and jumps to that address. We use it to execute function after setting up the parameters.
  2. A jmp $ gadget. This jumps backward by 2 bytes and causes rip to jump back to itself, creating an infinite loop. We use it to stop the thread from executing past our push gadget and into the unknown.
  3. A push rdx; call rax gadget. This will push rdx onto the stack, a value we control, and then be used to call rax which will hold the address of our jmp $ infinite loop gadget. We use it to push data to the stack, and effectively halt the thread from doing anything meaningful.

The 3rd gadget could be anything like:

push reg1; call reg2
push reg1; jmp reg2
push reg1; push reg2; ret
mov [reg1]; ret
mov [reg1]; call reg2
mov [reg1]; jmp reg2

With these gadgets, and a VERY good (nobody seems to talk about the shadow space except for https://retroscience.net/x64-assembly.html, thank you) understanding of the Windows 64bit calling convention, we can execute a function in the remote thread like so:

DWORD64 CallFuncRemote(
    HANDLE hThread,
    Gadgets gadgets,
    DWORD64 funcAddr,
    BOOL returnVal,
    const uint64_t count,
    const DWORD64 parameters[])
    // 1. Check/Fix Stack alignment
    CONTEXT ctx = { .ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL };

    GetThreadContext(hThread, &ctx);

    int isStackAlignmentGood = ((ctx.Rsp + 0x08) == ((ctx.Rsp + 0x08) & ~0x0F));
    int isEvenPUSHParameters = ((count <= 4) || (count % 2 == 0));


    if (isStackAlignmentGood ^ isEvenPUSHParameters) {
        PushData(hThread, gadgets, 0x00);

    // 2. PUSH function parameters
    for (uint64_t i = count; i > 4; i--) {
        PushData(hThread, gadgets, parameters[i-1]);

    // 3. PUSH shadow space if required
    if (count > 4) {
        PushData(hThread, gadgets, 0x00);
        PushData(hThread, gadgets, 0x00);
        PushData(hThread, gadgets, 0x00);
        PushData(hThread, gadgets, 0x00);

    // 4. PUSH jmps save return pointer
    PushData(hThread, gadgets, gadgets.jmps);

    // 5. PUSH function to call address
    PushData(hThread, gadgets, funcAddr);

    // 6. Execute with ret gadget
    Slay(hThread, gadgets, 
        (count > 0 ? parameters[0] : 0),
        (count > 1 ? parameters[1] : 0),
        (count > 2 ? parameters[2] : 0),
        (count > 3 ? parameters[3] : 0)

    // 7. Ensure the thread _did_ something

    // 8. Get return value if required
    return (returnVal ? GetReturnValue(hThread, gadgets) : 0);

Full code here: https://github.com/Acebond/GhostWrite64

We use this to VirtualAlloc some memory in the privileged process, write some shellcode to that memory with a named pipe, and then call CreateThread to execute the shellcode, and lastly, restore the hijacked thread back to whatever it was doing. The full PoC is on GitHub and has some cool tricks like figuring out if the target thread has been scheduled on the CPU yet, and how to determine if we need to realign the stack.


In the screenshot below, LeakyService is running, and will spawn a cmd.exe as the lowpriv user. The cmd.exe (PID 9060 in this example) has a leaked thread handle to the LeakyService.exe which is running as SYSTEM.

System Informer showing the leaked handle

To exploit this, I ran the GhostWrite PoC inside the cmd.exe (you'd otherwise have to OpenProcess and DuplicateHandle); this causes the leaked handle to leak again from cmd.exe into GhostWrite.exe, because cmd creates process with inherit handles set to TRUE.

PoC getting a Meterpreter shell

GhostWrite then hijacks the SYSTEM thread using the leaked handle and the ROP method described above, creates its own thread inside the SYSTEM process to run a Meterpreter shellcode, and seamlessly restores the original thread execution. Easy-peasy.